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Travel, Transport and Parking Study

Travel, Transport and Parking Study

The objective of the study is to explore the opportunities to improve the Travel, Transport and Parking arrangements across the Business District in response to concerns raised by businesses and in support of Manor Royal's continued growth.

Project details

Since 2013 Manor Royal has enjoyed significant growth. Coupled with high levels of in-commuting this has lead to pressue on the local road and parking infrastructure, which has been highighted by surveys conducted by the BID. In response specialist transport consultants Steer Davies Gleave were commissioned to assess the real impact this is having and to evaluate a range of possible actions, including drawing on best practice from elsewhere.

Report findings

The final report has highlighted a range of possible actions including infrastructure improvements, managing on-street parking and efforts to encourage behaviour change. The BID is now working with partners to expore how these recommendations can be prioritised and delivered. 

Read the Final Report (2Mb)

Project milestones

The initial work was split into two main phases; Phase One includedi site familiarisation, technical assessments and survey work. Phase Two focussed on issues and options arising from Phase One with an emphasis on the possible solutions. 

  • August 2016: Phase One technical, site assessment and survey work. This will include one workshop session.
  • Sept 2016: Phase One report on issues and options. Phase Two work begins to explore solutions.
  • November 2016: Workshop at Manor Royal Matters event (9 November) on possible solutions.
  • December 2016: Final report to inform future actions by the BID and its partners.
  • January 2017: Steering Group formally approve Final Report
  • February 2017: Partners being work on approach to recommendations.(*) 

(*) Where possible early action will be taken or, where relevant, be included as part of the BID 2 Business Plan Proposal. Significant external funding will need to be secured to deliver suggested improvements.

Project partners

The Manor Royal BID would like to acknowledge the contributions of finance and expertise of Crawley Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and Gatwick Airport Limited.

How to get involved

For more information contact the Manor Royal BID office

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