Commuting costs you, your business and your staff time and money. The Manor Royal BID provides all Manor Royal companies with free access to easit to help reduce cost, congestion and encourage sustainable travel.
View the latest discounts available to members here.
Download further easit information here
easit is a transport initiative focused entirely on assisting businesses and staff by providing practical cost saving solutions and programmes, including discount on trains, an effective car share scheme, cycling initiatives, cheaper bus fares, transport related discount offers and more.The BID has made access to the easitNETWORK, and the full range of travel and transport benefits, freely available to Manor Royal based firms and their employees. Click here to view a Q&A about easit.
Only now, thanks to the BID, can every member of staff from any size business on Manor Royal enjoy the benefits and reap the rewards that easit can offer.
The benefits of easirt membership include:
Thanks to the BID – nothing.
It is very easy to find out more about easit and to take advantage of this BID benefit. Contact easit on Visit or email
Don’t forget to mention that you’re based on Manor Royal