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Sustain & Renew

Sustain & Renew

The Manor Royal BID aims to help Manor Royal and its companies to be more sustainable and live within our means.

The Manor Royal BID will deliver:

- Collaborative energy initiatives and forums to facilitate the transition to Net Zero across Manor Royal

- Provision of signposting,guidance and support to enable Manor Royal businesses to become more sustainable


- New and enhanced green community spaces to support wellbeing, with planting and maintenance schemes that support biodiversity

- Provision of advice, support and incentives to adopt more active and sustainable travel behaviours

- Support for Manor Royal’s future skills needs through local educational outreach, training provision and promotion of green tech on Manor Royal

- Support and promote wider net-zero ambitions for the area

Manor Royal BID Projects and Initiatives

Manor Royal Move It

Manor Royal Energy Partnership

Manor Royal easit Transport Initiative

Manor Royal Partnership for Trade Waste

Manor Royal Team Building and Volunteering

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