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YES to five more years of the Manor Royal BID


Businesses in Manor Royal have voted in favour of renewing the Manor Royal BID (Business Improvement District) for another five years.

The result of the postal vote that was administered by Crawley Borough Council’s Electoral Services Team returned a 88.8% YES vote to keep the BID going, who collectively made up 93.4% of the rateable value of businesses voting.

With over 700 unique business premises and 600 businesses, the Manor Royal Business Improvement District is the largest “industrial” BID in the country and provides an opportunity for local firms to take a central role and be a leading influence in the area’s success.

“The improvements and new services delivered by the Manor Royal BID over the past 10 years are numerous, wide ranging and important,” commented Trevor Williams of Thales UK and Manor Royal chair. “I am delighted businesses have voted to keep the Manor Royal BID going. The new Business Plan provides an excellent vision for a better Manor Royal. Now we can get on with the job of delivering it.”

“I am so grateful to all those businesses that took the time to vote so that the Manor Royal BID can continue.” said Steve Sawyer, Executive Director of the Manor Royal BID. “Despite having an excellent track record of improving the area and successfully giving a voice to one of the most significant business parks in the UK, we never took the outcome of the ballot for granted. We respect the confidence businesses have shown in us and we will continue to work hard to repay them.”

The Manor Royal BID will be in place for another five years and will invest £5million, of which 50% is expected to come from external sources.

Over the last ten years of the Manor Royal BID, a host of new infrastructure, services and environmental enhancements have been put in place. The award winning Crawter’s Brook People’s Park, improvements to key Gateway’s 1 and 3 into the Business District, introduction of dedicated Maintenance and Security Teams, low priced Training for anyone working on Manor Royal, better broadband, new public outdoor spaces, Free Jobs Board for any company recruitment, a network of security cameras, free employee wellbeing, cheaper staff travel and much more.

The new term of the Manor Royal BID will begin in April and run until 31 March 2028.

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