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"The Power of Community" - Building your Business Connections

We are delighted to invite you to join a free online webinar, brought to you through the collaboration of Burgess Hill Business Parks Association, East Grinstead Business Association, Gatwick Diamond Business, Haywards Heath Business Association and Manor Royal Business Improvement District.

"The Power of Community" - Building your Business Connections

Date: Tuesday 20th April 2021

Time: 09:30-10:45

The challenge and opportunity: during the challenges of the past ten months, we have been impressed by excellent examples of collaboration and community spirit. These examples highlight that there has never been a more important time to reach out and support our friends, neighbours, and colleagues, both in our personal and business communities.
Collaborating to compete: working together improves creativity, innovation and efficiency, and offer the chance to build on existing relationships and develop new ones.

Just imagine if Mr Rolls had not met Mr Royce!

Join these 5 excellent local business support organisations to hear some real-life examples of collaboration and community from within their valuable networks.

Following a short presentation by each of the organisation leads, you will be invited into smaller groups to network and build your business connections.

Jeff Alexander, Chief Executive, Gatwick Diamond Business
Martyn Carr, Chief Executive, Burgess Hill Business Parks Association
Lee Farren, CEO, East Grinstead Business Association
Clare Jones, Chair, Haywards Heath Business Association
Steve Sawyer, Executive Director, Manor Royal Busines Improvement District

Spaces can be reserved via Eventbrite by following the link below:

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Once you have booked your place, you will receive further details and an access code which will enable you to join the event taking place via Zoom.

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