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Manor Royal responds to Local Plan

Manor Royal responds to Local Plan

The Local Plan is an important document that will guide planning and land use policies until 2037. It provides a framework for the Council to decide what housing, commercial buildings and other infrastructure is needed to support the development and growth of the town. One of the most notable findings of the Local Plan is the longer term shortage of land to meet the predicted demand for employment space, in particular to accommodate larger warehouse and industrial businesses.

The Manor Royal BID has declared in its response that it is generally supportive of the main polices for the business district and is pleased to see the work of the BID specifically referenced. Acknowledgement of the need to improve facilities, public realm and the environmental performance of the area have been welcomed.

However, the BID also raises concern about the Gatwick Safeguarded Area, the proposals for Western Relief Road and urges the Council to look at the arrangements for protecting buildings in Manor Royal from being converted into flats and housing.

You can read the full response HERE

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