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Blueleaf Care home in on Arrow Point, Manor Royal

Blueleaf Care homes in on Arrow Point, Manor Royal

Arrow Capital Partners, the specialist investor, developer and manager of real estate in Europe and Asia-Pacific, has signed a long-term lease with Blueleaf Care, the care home supplies and services provider, for Unit 1 at Arrow Point in Manor Royal.

Arrow Point is a sustainable development with an EPC Rating of ‘A’ and a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ certification. Developed for Arrow’s Strategic Industrial Real Estate (SIRE) joint venture with Cerberus, the asset includes dedicated parking with associated electric vehicle chargers, self-contained secure yards and photovoltaic panels on the roof, making it one of Manor Royal's premium buildings.

Blueleaf Care has taken the entire 65,000 sq ft of warehouse space in Unit 1, leaving the remaining 19,000 sq ft of space in Unit 2 available to let.

Commenting on the letting, Rob Howe, Head of European Real Estate at Arrow Capital Partners, said: “When selecting a site to develop Arrow Point Crawley, we were attracted to Manor Royal Business District because of the diversity of occupiers already established in the location. This letting to a care home supplies provider confirms that decision and is reflective of the interest we’ve received from a variety of businesses looking for the sort of modern, sustainable space that Arrow Point provides.”

Nick Frogbrook, CEO of Blueleaf Care, commented: “Arrow Point Crawley has all the features we require to support the growth of our business in the UK. We were looking for a light industrial unit that provided a combination of strong location and flexible space, together with the sustainability credentials key to the culture of our business.”

Arrow Capital Partners was advised on this letting by Knight Frank, DTRE and SHW.

A specialist investor, developer and manager of real estate, Arrow Capital Partners targets equity and debt opportunities, specialising in cross-border transactions where it can use its platform and balance sheet to invest with US and Asia-Pacific investors into Europe, as well as European and US investors into the Asia-Pacific region. Arrow has a team of 60, globally based out of 12 countries.

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