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Award Winning International Design Agency moves to Manor Royal.

Award Winning International Design Agency moves to Manor Royal.

GLS has been creating brand environments for over 30 years, they have now made Manor Royal their base.

Events & Exhibitions are GLS' core business but knowing and living their clients corporate identity inside-out they have expanded their knowledge to many projects over the years including specialist commercial building development on various redevelopments, retail spaces, sales suites, and unique experiential commissions - trusted by a plethora of truly iconic British brands in Aston Martin Lagonda, Triumph Motorcycles and JCB, to name drop just a few.

The GLS areas of expertise include; Automotive, Finance, Defence & Aviation, Tech, Construction/Agriculture, Retail

In addition to UK based clients, GLS boast international clients in North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia. It's a truly international operation with 75% of work outside of the UK and project values ranging from £30k - £5m.

Director, James Prescott says;

"We're thrilled that the world is opening-up again, with a team poised to get creative, if you're around the Manor Royal area and have a project that involves design, project management and an eye for detail, shoot me an email to start the conversation on

Connect with James on LinkedIn:

You can find more about GLS online, with project examples at
Follow GLS on Instagram: gls_design

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