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Manor Royal BID Energy Partnership

Manor Royal BID Energy Partnership

In the Manor Royal BID 5 year Business Plan, objective 4 is Sustain and Renew. 'Help to make Manor Royal and its companies more sustainable and live within our means'.

Manor Royal BID has partnered with Eden Utilities, a leading energy consultancy firm that provides a wide range of energy services to commercial and industrial organisations. Our joint aim is to support businesses in Manor Royal to manage energy costs and reduce consumption.


• Electricity, Gas and water procurement (fixed or flex)
• Bill Validation
• Metering Services
• Energy Forecasting
• Compliance services: ESOS, SECR, CCA’s, EII, Min Met
• Energy Audits.
• Platform access – various energy reports
• Account Management.
• Services via Eden’s Partner Network: E.g. EV, LEDS, Solar, CHP, Carbon footprint.

Manor Royal Energy Partnership Leaflet

See details of the Manor Royal Fund

Do not hesitate to get in touch, or investigate the best way for us to help with your utilities.


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